Rodrigo Brod is a creative professional with extensive experience in graphic design, education, creative direction, consulting, and managing creative teams. His work involves research and experimentation in visual language, with a special interest in identity, identification processes, and cultural studies, areas he seeks to integrate into his academic and professional activities. He has experience and recognition both nationally and internationally in the fields of visual identity design, interface design, packaging design, and typography. Currently, he works as an independent designer, represented by Frente Design, both individually and in collaborative project teams, serving clients in Brazil, Europe, and India. He also contributes as a visual designer to the US-based digital agency WillowTree Apps, on the team responsible for acquiring new projects and clients. As an educator, he coordinates the Bachelor of Design program at the University of Vale do Taquari, where he also teaches undergraduate and graduate courses. His education includes a bachelor's degree in Social Communication from the Higher School of Advertising and Marketing of São Paulo, specialization in Branding from the University of Santa Cruz do Sul, and a master's degree in Space and Socio-environmental Issues from the University of Vale do Taquari.

Rodrigo Brod é um profissional criativo com vasta experiência em design gráfico, educação, direção criativa, consultoria e gestão de equipes criativas. Seu trabalho envolve pesquisa e experimentação em linguagem visual, com um interesse especial em identidade, processos de identificação e estudos culturais, áreas que busca integrar em suas atividades acadêmicas e profissionais. Possui experiência e reconhecimento tanto nacional quanto internacional nos campos de design de identidade visual, design de interface, design de embalagem e tipografia.
Atualmente, trabalha como designer independente, representado pela Frente Design, tanto individualmente quanto em equipes coletivas de projeto, atendendo clientes no Brasil, Europa e Índia. Também contribui como designer visual para a agência digital estadunidense WillowTree Apps, na equipe responsável pela captação de novos projetos e clientes. Sua formação inclui graduação em Comunicação Social pela Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing de São Paulo (ESPM/SP), especialização em Branding pela Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (Unisc/RS) e mestrado em Espaço e Problemas Socioambientais pela Universidade do Vale do Taquari (Univates/RS).

honors & awards

Brasil Design Award – BDA. Bronze – Packaging Design (Professional). Chocolates Clássicos Haenssgen. Creative Direction. Dec 2022.

Behance Featured Work [Branding Curatorship]. AgoraTV. Creative Direction. Nov 2021. 

Behance Featured Work [Branding Curatorship. Martani. Creative Direction, Naming and Brand Design. Feb 2021.

Bornancini Design Award. Bronze – Packaging Design (Professional).  Sorvebom Fruit Popsicles Line. Creative Direction and Typography Direction. Dec 2020.

Brasil Design Award – BDA. Bronze – Packaging Design (Professional).  Dália Sabor da Fazenda Milk Package. Creative Direction. Dec 2020. 

Behance Featured Work [InDesign Curatorship]. AgoraTV. Creative Direction. Jul 2020.

Behance Featured Work [Illustrator Curatorship]. Martani. Creative Direction, Naming and Brand Design. Jul 2020.

Behance Featured Work [Packaging Curatorship]. Bolee. Creative Direction. Oct 2017.

Behance Featured Work [Illustrator Curatorship]. Bolee. Creative Direction. Sep 2017.

Behance Featured Work [Packaging Curatorship]. Salva Craft Beer. Creative Direction, Naming, Packaging, Brand Design and Craft for Design. Sep 2017.

Behance Featured Work [Webdesign Curatorship]. Muram. Creative Direction, Brand Design and Craft for Design. Nov 2015.

Behance Featured Work [Branding Curatorship]. Acto. Creative Direction. Mar 2015.

Behance Featured Work [Branding Curatorship]. Frente Design. Creative Direction, Naming and Brand Design. Dec 2014.

Museu da Casa Brasileira · Poster Award Finalist. Creative Direction, Concept, Photography and Graphic Design. Jan 2014.

Hiiibrand Awards. Merit Award, professional category. Visual identity for Luia. 2014.

Behance Featured Work [Branding Curatorship]. Luia. Creative Direction, Custom Typography and Brand Design. Nov 2013.